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Long-term rent – convenient solution when in need of a car

July 25, 2021

Long-term rent – convenient solution when in need of a car

They say an old car requests constant repairing, which creates unexpected costs and considerable inconveniences.

Artūras Kerevičius can tell from his experience – that’s true. After dealing with old car-related problems for a while, he finally decided to give up on it and find a newer vehicle that would suit his needs better. Artūras found it appealing to choose the vehicle he prefers, yet he wanted to have the peace of mind that he is not locked into a contract for the exact vehicle forever.

With the need for flexibility in mind, he found a rent-to-buy offer from the Renti brand, powered by Mogo, and soon signed a long-term rental contract for the car of his choice. Now he has the freedom to choose – to rent the vehicle as long as he finds it convenient, choose to purchase it, or return it to the company at any time. When talking about Renti and Mogo, Artūras says it was true salvation for him and praises the customer service describing as “unrealistically good.”

When using a car daily, being left without it is quite a shock. While it’s impossible to predict such situations, it’s good to know there is a convenient and fast solution.
Ilona Bružiene had a car accident, severely damaging her car. In order to not being left without the means of transportation, she was looking for a quick yet affordable solution and found a suitable offer from the Renti brand, powered by Mogo. She chose a long-term rent of an AUDI A6 to continue her daily routine comfortably and conveniently. Ilona calls Renti and Mogo her “rescue when you need it, here and now.”