
Headquartered in the Baltics and domiciled in Luxembourg, Eleving Group boasts a strategic geographical presence. The business is navigated by an international and seasoned management team with broad fintech business experience and a global perspective.

Vehicle and Consumer financing businesses have separate management teams. Having the largest operational volume and geographical outreach, Vehicle business operations are managed through two regional hubs - Europe; and Africa & Asia.


Groups management

Supervisory Board

Marcis Grinis


Lev Dolgatsjov


Derek Urben


Management Board

Modestas Sudnius

Chief Executive Officer

Maris Kreics

Chief Financial Officer

Delphine Marie-Paul Glessinger

Category B Member

Sébastien François

Category B Member

Regional Leaders

Valerij Petrov

Regional CEO Europe

Vladislavs Mejertals

CO-CEO Europe

Neringa Plauskiene

Regional Chief Financial Officer Europe

Aleksandra Priede

Regional Chief Risk Officer Europe

Valentina Marhilevica

Chief Operating Officer Consumer Finance

Oskars Dzalbs

Chief Financial Officer Consumer Finance

Veronika Plotņikova

Chief Risk Officer Consumer Finance

Tomas Sudnius

Regional CEO Africa and Asia

Marius Barys

Regional Chief Financial Officer Africa and Asia

Aurimas Pavilonis

Regional Chief Risk Manager Africa and Asia

Group Functional Leaders

Toms Purins

Chief Legal Officer

Zanda Grunvalde

Group Data Lead

Juozapas Zabukas

Chief Technology Officer Europe

Aleksei Elram

Head of Group Security

Martins Muiznieks

Accounting Process Supervision

Arturs Cakars

Group's Chief Corporate Affairs Officer

Edgars Rauza

Investor Relations Manager

Jana Makarova

Group Tax Manager

Peteris Bodnieks

Chief Technology Officer Africa and Asia

Dace Dricka

Head of ESG

Country Leaders

Girts Kurmis

Country Manager Latvia

Marti Kuttis

Country Manager Estonia

Mikhail Vydryn

Country Manager Uganda

Domas Mineikis

Country Manager Kenya

Davit Mezvrishvilli

Country Manager Georgia

Veaceslav Luchianenco

Country Manager Moldova (Vehicle)

Lucian Pruna

Country Manager Romania

Khachik Nerkararyan

Country Manager Armenia

Arlinda Muja

Country Manager Albania and North Macedonia

Sergiu Cherdivara

Country Manager Moldova (Consumer)

Dru Jayaratne

Country Manager Botswana

Kangwa Bwalya

Country Manager Zambia

Johan Coetzee

Country Manager Namibia

Boipuso Adontsi

Country Manager Lesotho

Kaspars Sapranovics

Country Manager Uzbekistan

Greta Montviliene

Country Manager Lithuania

Group’s structure

Group's shareholders

AS Novo Holdings
AS Obelo Capital
SIA EMK Ventures
Other shareholders
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

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Anti-Corruption Policy

Anti-Corruption Policy

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Report a misconduct via FaceUp

We care for integrity, compliance, and ethics, and we believe part of building a culture of trust is learning to speak up when something's not right so that we can address the problem.

FaceUp is our group-wide whistleblowing system, where our employees and external stakeholders can report suspected, experienced, or witnessed misconduct securely and confidentially. FaceUp is designed, established and operated in a manner that ensures the completeness, integrity, and confidentiality of the information and prevents access there to by non-authorized persons.

For more information, please see Eleving Group Whistleblowing policy.