March 27, 2023
Eleving Group fully offsets the carbon footprint arising from its HQs
Eleving Group fully offsets the carbon footprint arising from its HQs

Becoming a carbon-neutral company is among Eleving Group’s long-term strategic goals. Therefore, in 2023 we are again engaged in carbon offsetting campaigns organized by Carbon Footprint Ltd to compensate for the entire carbon footprint (114 tCO2) arising from the operations of our HQs.

For the consecutive year, we have co-financed the reforestation of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. Over the last ten years, the project in Kenya has planted over 200 000 trees and rehabilitated over 160 hectares of the forest, helping in restoring the water catchment ecosystem function of the forest.

Meanwhile, for the first time, we are participating in the Northern Ethiopia Community Safe Water project, aiming to provide clean water to local communities of Amhara National Regional State. By providing safe water, the project will ensure that households consume less firewood during the process of water purification, and as a result, there shall be a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from the combustion process as well.

“Carbon offsetting projects are vital to sustainable business practices. By taking responsibility for the carbon that has already been emitted, companies can compensate for their climate impact and positively contribute to the well-being of our planet. Eleving Group is also aware of its environmental impact, and green thinking has already become an integral part not only in our ESG activities but also in our product concepts,” adds Arturs Cakars, Group Chief Corporate Affairs Officer.